
Technology. Communication. Me.

How do I interact with digital technology?

What do I think and feel about such an interaction?

In what ways do I relate to my peers in terms of technology itself as well as narratives about technology?

These lingering questions fly around two versions of my technology literacy narrative… Enjoy…

ZD: Wow, Mr. Pen. Sounds very intriguing and very deep. I think we will have a lot to tell to each other about this.

Mr. Pen: I appreciate your feedback. Yes, I do agree that we might have an interesting, non-trivial conversation about the place of technology in our daily life. I am ready to debate every time. In fact, it’s one of my favorite topics.

ZD: Of course, you are always ready to criticize and whine about technology… Honestly, I don’t quite understand how that benefits anybody.

Mr. Pen: What do you mean?! Constructive criticism and critical thinking are one of the most important qualities of a good writer and thinker. Let me illustrate it to you with a couple of examples…

Cap: Off topic! You’ll have enough time to talk later. I just want to map things out here. So, the first version or draft of the technology literacy narrative addresses Bakai’s complex relationship with technology. The prompt for this assignment is here. You can find the narrative itself on the menu bar on top of the page, or following this link. The reflection is also on the bar, but here it is if you don’t want to scroll all the way up. The second version…

ZD: Yeah, there Mr. Pen and I just argue and argue!

Cap: Let me finish, okay? The second version expands on the idea, flips the debate, and incorporates the narratives of some of Bakai’s classmates. This creates a so-called network of opinions, rather than a static narrative of a single person. See this prompt. By the way, check out students posts page on a general class website and search out the #literacynarrative to read narratives of others. Yeah, the second version of the narrative is pasted here, the reflection to it is attached to this link, the prompt for it can be found right here.

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